Toothy Timeline: The Standard Stages of a Child’s Dental Development

December 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 9:06 pm
Infant in a white and red shirt with 2 bottom teeth grown in

Having a child can be an incredibly rewarding, but terrifying, experience. You’re responsible for their emotional and physical well-being, but no one handed you a guidebook on child-rearing, after all! There are some things new parents might not know, like when to anticipate their child’s first pearly whites to grow in or how long it takes before they begin to fall out to allow for permanent ones. Fortunately, your pediatric dentist has put together some helpful information, so you know what to expect. Read on to learn more!


Caring for Your Kid: Why Does Their Baby Tooth Need a Filling?

December 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 8:21 pm
Close up of a child's mouth during dental exam

You are likely aware that consistent brushing and flossing habits can prevent tooth decay, but did you know that over 50% of children 6-8 years old have had a cavity in their primary teeth? Many parents are startled to learn that it is a potential problem even before their kid’s adult ones appear.

Then, once it’s diagnosed, they’re even more surprised that their pediatric dentist recommends fillings. It’s easy to assume that repairing cavities is unnecessary if that tooth will be falling out anyway, but that’s not the case! Keep reading to learn more about why filling baby teeth is sometimes necessary.
