Who We Help – Aspen Hill, MD

Maintaining Healthy Smiles Throughout Every Stage of Life

Doctor talking to child in hospital bed

At Healthy Kids Dentistry, we care for children from when they’re infants to teenagers, and once they turn 18, they can move right next door to our adult dental office! We take the time to assess and walk parents through what the different stages of oral development will look like, along with any potential risk-factors that they may face at a certain age. Because we provide comprehensive dentistry, you can count on us to be able to take care of virtually all of your child’s dental needs.

Dentistry for Infants

Infant sucking thumb before dental visit

Even though infants may not have teeth until they turn one, it’s always a good idea to bring them in to learn how you can care for their gums and get them used to the dental office. That way, once they start needing checkups and cleanings, they’ll feel right at-home. At this age, we can also assess for baby bottle tooth decay, which is a common issue among infants.

Dentistry for Toddlers

Mother on playground with smiling child after dentistry for toddlers

During their toddler years, your child may be sucking on blankets and pacifiers and putting things in their mouth that they aren’t supposed to because they can walk now. Because their teeth will be popping into their mouth over this time, it’s a good idea for them to receive routine dental checkups, as well as teeth cleanings if they feel comfortable with it. We’re also happy to provide tips and tricks to help ween them off of sucking their thumb before it begins affecting the formation of their oral cavity.

Dentistry for Children

Child giving thumbs up after pediatric dentistry visit

As your child grows and starts learning how to ride a bike or going to sleepovers with friends, you may find that they’re at a higher risk of accidental oral trauma, like chipping a tooth. You can count on our experienced dental team at Healthy Kids Dentistry to provide them with the fast, pain-relieving care they need. We can also provide them with the checkups and cleanings they need to keep their smiles healthy.

Dentistry for Teens

Young woman smiling after dentistry for teens

We want to help teens get ready for a lifetime of good oral health and provide them with the knowledge and tools necessary to avoid cavities and other common issues, like gum disease, while they’re off at college. We can also assess your teens need for orthodontic treatment as well. We offer Invisalign, FastBraces, and traditional braces in-office for you and your child’s convenience.