Hang the Toothbrushes by the Chimney with Care: 3 Tooth-Friendly Stocking-Stuffers

November 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 6:30 pm
A family enjoying the holidays with good dental health

The holidays are here, and the shopping season is in full swing. Even if you don’t celebrate with stockings, you may want to give these small tooth-friendly gifts a chance. While they may not be as impressive as new electronics or toys, they can be appreciated for what they are. Their improved dental health will thank you.

If you want to find three great dentist-approved stocking-stuffers for your holiday gatherings, continue reading.

1. Healthy Treats

While it is generally custom to fill every nook and cranny of the holidays with chocolate, marshmallows, and caramel—don’t! The sugar and sticky consistency of these delights will expose their teeth to added bacteria and acid as plaque builds. This is what causes cavities.

Instead, opt for fresh fruit; maybe something they don’t normally have like persimmons, pitaya, or kiwi. Alternatively, you could offer up some soft cashews, walnuts, or pistachios. These nuts have great nutritional value for teeth. Last, but not least, there’s always sugar-free gum! Xylitol is known to have cavity-fighting properties.

2. New Toothbrushes

There’s nothing better for a child than being able to express themselves. A new toothbrush with fun designs or characters on it will show them you know what they are into. At the same time, it will give them some motivation to brush their teeth. It’s really a win-win. If you’re buying for an older child, (like your spouse) get them an electric toothbrush!

3. Fun Dental Products

Toothbrushes aren’t the only dental products that you could put into a stocking! For kids, try looking for some flavored toothpaste. There are plenty of these stocked in grocery stores, but you can also get them online. Be sure that whatever you get—whether it be bubblegum or blue raspberry—has the ADA seal of approval on it. This will ensure that you’re getting a product that is safe and supplies benefits for healthy teeth like fluoride.

Another great product you could invest in is water flossers. These are devices that use a slightly pressurized stream of water to gently remove food and plaque from between teeth. They’re a great alternative to traditional floss, especially if you have an older person in the family with arthritis.

Use this time to show your family you care, but also that you’re looking out for their dental health. The holidays are a time of togetherness and joy, but there are also plenty of tempting treats around that can cause dental health issues. So, give them all the gift of a bright smile in their stocking!

About the Practice

Dr. José Garcia and Dr. Thomas Kim are your friendly and welcoming dental team at Healthy Kids Dentistry. Their mission is to ensure every one of their little patients has the opportunity for a healthy and complete smile. If your child needs dental care, they’re here to help with gentle technology and a relaxing environment. To schedule an appointment, call (301) 844-6999 or visit the website to learn more.

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