Brrr—ush and Floss: Winter and Flu Season Dental Tips for Your Kids

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 7:44 pm
A child with good oral health sneezes into a tissue

As the temperature drops and winter sets in, the arrival of cold and flu season becomes inevitable. While you focus on keeping your little ones warm and cozy, it’s also important to pay attention to their oral health. There are tons of extra germs during flu season, but with the right strategies, you can ensure that your child’s smile stays healthy even when they’re feeling crummy.

Continue reading to learn the best strategies to take care of your child’s oral health during the cold and flu season.

1. Keep Them Hydrated

Cold and flu medications, coupled with the dry winter air, can contribute to dehydration and dry mouth. Be sure to bring your child lots of water to stay hydrated. Adequate moisture in the mouth helps neutralize acids, maintain saliva flow, and protect against cavities.

2. Use Sugar-Free Medicine

When selecting cough drops or syrup to soothe those winter sniffles, opt for sugar-free options. Sugar can feed bacteria in the mouth and contribute to tooth decay. By choosing sugar-free alternatives, you can safeguard your child’s dental health while addressing their cold or flu symptoms.

3. Help Them Maintain Their Oral Hygiene Routine

Even when feeling under the weather, it’s important to stick to a regular oral hygiene routine. Ensure your child continues to brush their teeth twice a day and floss each night before bed. They may complain that they don’t feel good, but it’s critical to be consistent. Oral care helps prevent plaque buildup and reduces the risk of cavities, even during the busiest and sniffliest times of the year. 

4. Watch Their Diet

While your child is trying to recover from their sniffles and sneezes, they must eat good, wholesome food. Provide nutrient-rich meals that support your child’s immune system and contribute to strong teeth. Include fruits, vegetables, and dairy products for a winter-ready immune system that is ready to combat gum disease and bacteria.

5. Keep Their Toothbrush Isolated

To prevent the spread of germs, discourage the sharing of toothbrushes and utensils among family members. Each person should have their own toothbrush to avoid the transfer of bacteria, particularly during cold and flu season.

While this may not be a regular occurrence, accidents happen. Try to make sure any sick children have their toothbrushes away from the others to prevent accidental contact.

With a proactive approach and a few simple adjustments, you can prepare your household for cold and flu season while prioritizing your child’s dental health. By instilling good oral hygiene habits and making mindful choices, you set them up for a bright smile even on the coldest winter days.

About the Practice

At Healthy Kids Dentistry, you’ll find a fantastic dental duo in Dr. José Garcia and Dr. Thomas Kim. They truly love their jobs and enjoy working with their little patients to promote good oral health practices that last a lifetime. To schedule an appointment, call (301) 844-6999 or visit the website to learn more.

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