How to Break Thumb-Sucking Habits for Children’s Dental Health Month

February 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 11:29 pm
Girl sucking her thumb

Happy Children’s Dental Health Month! Thumb-sucking is a very common habit for babies and younger children. However, when this habit goes on too long, it can cause problems for their developing smiles. This February is the perfect time to start incorporating changes to give your child’s growing grin the best chance of success. Continue reading to learn more about why thumb sucking can be harmful as well as some steps you can take to gently encourage your child to break the habit.

Why Do Children Suck Their Thumbs?

It is actually perfectly normal and safe for young children to suck their thumbs. When they grow, it is natural for them to have the urge to feel objects and put things in their mouth. This is how they explore and understand the world around them. Many little ones resort to sucking on their thumb as a way to comfort themselves, just like how some children like to hug a blanket or stuffed animal. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), children will usually discontinue this behavior on their own when they are between the ages of 2 and 4 years old.

Why Is Thumb Sucking Harmful for Children’s Dental Health?

While it isn’t a problem when your child is a baby or young toddler, thumb-sucking is something that should be discouraged when they reach a certain age. This habit can lead to a variety of dental issues if it is continued too long. Ultimately, it is best if the habit is broken by the time your child turns 5 years old. At this point, it is beneficial to take steps to wean your child off this habit. If they continue to suck their thumb, they are more likely to develop a misaligned bite, palate issues, and/or speech problems.

How to Gently Discourage Thumb-Sucking

Thumb-sucking becomes habitual over time, and it can be difficult to give up a habit. Your child may not even notice that they are doing it. Here are some tips to use to gently discourage the habit:

  • Introduce new comfort items, like a stuffed animal or toy.
  • Avoid shaming or criticizing your child. This can be discouraging for them.
  • Reward their good work with prizes, like stickers or toys.
  • To keep them from sucking their thumb at night, cover their hands with gloves or socks.
  • If your child is older, inform them about the negative impacts of this habit.
  • Speak to your child’s dentist. They likely have some additional tips for children who struggle to give up thumb-sucking.

If your child has reached the age where it’s time to give up thumb-sucking, use this Children’s Dental Health Month to implement some changes. By putting a stop to this habit, you can help them develop a healthy, happy smile!

About the Practice

At Healthy Kids Dentistry, we have a team of two skilled pediatric dentists serving children in Silver Spring. With their combined experience and expertise, our young patients can get the quality care they need for their growing smiles. To learn more about non-nutritive habits, like thumb-sucking, or to schedule an appointment for your child, visit our website or call (301) 871-8880.

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